Friday 24 August 2007

The first unfinished post

After going to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, this past weekend 17-19 August 2007, and meeting up with some friends of a friend, I came home, and have discovered that they have blogs. I read them and I think this could be a new addiction.

A little about me, but not too much as I'd hate to give it all away in one posting. My name is Margaret, Mags if you prefer, recently turned 40, and well known within my quilting circle of friends for never finishing anything. I have my son's first quilt still to finish. I bought the materials at Quilts UK in Malvern when he was 2 or 3. He is now nearly 20 and has finished his first year of university. I have asked my younger son, who has just turned 16 whether he would like a quilt for when he goes off to university. He was slightly non-commital, can't think why.

As yet I haven't figured out how to put up pictures, or anything fancy,but if all goes according to plan, I should have a pink background. I'm trying to go a bit girlie. After living with just men for over 20 years, I think it's time I grabbed back a bit of femininity to my life.

I will also try and link this blog to the 2 that inspired me - the first is Celtic Knots, by Cathi, the other is VerrySherry, by, funnily enough, Sherry.

Maybe it's time to go put away my purchases from the Festival of Quilts. There were only a few. Well maybe a few more than a few. All the more to be unfinished.

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Welcome to blogland! I feel proud to have inspired you to start yours!!

Show us your haul from the quilt show now!!